It’s easier than you think to transform your smile from dull to sparkling, and it doesn’t require metal wires, aching gums, or a brushing routine that takes an eternity. What if we told you that you could obtain the smile you’ve always wanted in half the time and with far less discomfort than traditional braces? I’m hoping you’ll say YES! The benefits of Invisalign treatment are numerous, especially for older teens and adults. However, before you commit to anything, you must first learn everything there is to know about clear aligners. Dr. Cosby, a famous orthodontist, has listed seven things to consider before beginning Invisalign treatment.

1. Your Speech Is Unaffected by Invisalign.

Nobody wants to sound like they’re chewing on marbles. That’s why knowing that wearing invisible braces won’t affect your speech is such a comfort. You may believe your speech sounds odd during the first week, but that’s usually because you’re very aware of the aligners in your mouth. For the first few days, you may slur a little until your tongue adjusts to its new environment and your speech returns to normal. Once you’ve gotten used to wearing them for a week, you’ll notice that your speech sounds absolutely normal. So, in class or at that critical business meeting, don’t be scared to speak up! Unless you tell them, no one will know you’re wearing them.

2. You’re Still Free To Eat and Drink Anything You Want.

Unlike metal braces, which restrict what you can eat and drink, Invisalign allows you to eat and drink whatever you want. This is because you can eat while wearing your aligners, which is impossible with traditional braces. Popcorn and gummy candy are in order! Don’t worry if you prefer red wine, coffee, tea, or soda; you can still consume them. Keep in mind that whether you wear your aligners while drinking that double espresso latte before work in the morning or a glass of wine with the girls at night, you should rinse them off afterward to minimize stains.

3. You’ll Need to Wear a Retainer After Treatment

You’re not finished with your Invisalign treatment just yet. To keep those sparkling whites straight, you’ll need to be fitted for a retainer. We get it: wearing a retainer is a little strange. However, believe us when we say that retainers have come a long way since you were a kid. They’re smaller and less invasive than traditional retainers because they’re specifically made to your mouth. The retainer they’ll build for you at will most likely be a re-creation of the last tray you wore, but it’ll be far more durable and sturdy. The best aspect is that it just needs to be worn at night. Bonus: It also serves as a mouthguard to prevent teeth grinding at night.

4. You May Need a Permanent Wire

If your teeth are highly unstable following treatment, a wire will be bonded behind your teeth to keep everything in place for the long run. This, too, will go unnoticed.

5. Attachments Will Be Required

But don’t worry, we can limit the number. Attachments are little, tooth-colored handles that connect the aligners to the teeth. We will be able to add, remove, or adjust attachments during your initial assessment of the treatment plan, with the goal of adding as few attachments as feasible for aesthetic reasons. After all, the main point of Invisalign is to boost your self-esteem and give you a gorgeous smile! That’s why we try to use as few as possible or place them behind the rear teeth so they don’t show.

6. You Have to Wear Your Aligners for 20-22 Hours Per Day

It may seem like a lot, but many of those hours are spent sleeping, and you can use them to eat and brush your teeth.

7. You Switch to New Aligners Every Week

Because the trays are changed out so frequently, Invisalign speeds up the teeth straightening procedure. Every seven days, you’ll transition to a new set of aligners, making treatment go by faster. Furthermore, we can use acceleration devices to allow you to change aligners every four to five days, allowing you to straighten even faster. In no time, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful smile.